How secure is your network? The best way to find out is to attack it. Network Security assessments provide you with a professional security consultant to identify and assess risks in Internet-based networks using the same penetration testing model they use to secure government, military, and large commercial networks.
There are any number of reasons that would motivate a business Owner to perform an assessment. For example, if an IT employee recently gave his notice, it would be a good idea to have an independent third party assess the IT infrastructure and provide an unbiased report of how the employee is leaving the IT environment; are there any open issues that need to be addressed? Another common motivator is that the business owner feels the business has outgrown the capabilities of the current IT Service Provider. No matter what the motivation is; having an assessment preformed can help you establish the current health of your IT environment and you receive the added bonus of evaluating the professional service and engineering work of the assessing IT Service Provider.